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Cloudflare Chinese customization page is online

Cloudflare Chinese custom pages have been written for a long time, but there has been no time to release them.

This customized Cloudflare for the Chinese page, based on the Cloudflare official interface source code for translation.

HTML language is written so that users can easily edit the text in the source code.

If the site is aimed at domestic users, customized pages can be a good way to avoid some visitors closing the page because they don't understand the English instructions.

Open source address (GitHub)

Unified Demo Address: https://Chinese.Pages.Dev/

It will be kept up to date to be compatible with the latest features added to Cloudflare!

★ Requires Cloudflare to correspond to domains purchased with packages in Pro and above or Plesk Plus with WAF (if not, don't waste your time).


1. Download the custom interface source code from GitHub;

2. Change the website name and e-mail address in the source code;

3. Upload the source code that you have finished editing to a platform that can host html code;

4. Open the Cloudflare control panel to find the corresponding domain name and open the Customize page in the tab;

5、Choose the corresponding page and click Edit, fill in the address of your hosted html file, preview it and click Publish normally.

If you need to set up a default custom page for this account, you can do so in the console under Avatar -> Account Home -> Configuration -> Custom Pages, following the steps above.


1. Before deploying to your own website, be sure to change your website name and e-mail ❗❗❗.

2. Combine 1000 error and WAF blocking page to make user experience better.

3.5sold.html is the old version of 5 Second Shield, now Cloudflare has provided the new version and has updated the translation simultaneously.

✅ Welcome to the new 5 Second Shield interface, filename: 5s.html

4. The words "Protected by Cloudflare" below can be removed or changed directly in the customization interface.

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Article Title.Cloudflare Chinese customization page is onlineThe
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This site resources for personal study and exchange only. It is not easy to build the site, please do not directly copy the original. Do not allow for commercial use, or legal issues bear their own.
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  1. #2

    I was looking for this page on a whim, thanks to the blogger who climbed down

    caphh3 years ago (2021-11-09)
  2. #1

    Benefit and learn!

    youngest child3 years ago (2021-07-09)

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